Happy Tuesday! Fans be on the Look-Out for the Premier Donna Summer “Bad Girls” (Gigamesh Remix) today. We will post it here once it is officially announced. Hope everyone has enjoyed the iTunes album snippets and we would love your feed back. Eleven days until the pre-release Party at the Dunes Resort and we hope to see some of you there!
Thursday Look-Out for “I Feel Love” (Benga Remix) on Complex
This is one of the other tracks I sampled on iTunes that has me quite excited! Can’t wait to hear the entire track!
I loved and will love Donna Summer. What a voice… I never had the chance to see her on stage. I will miss her
“Bad Girls” sounds really good……..it’s another track I do ‘like’ off this thing…BUT the “Benga” mix of “I Feel Love” I’m not feeling at all…NOT like “AfroJack” (like that one lots too) where it’s pumped up and the Synths dominate, as it should in this song!!!