Fans! We will be giving out 15 of the beautiful posters from “Love to Love You Donna”. We will be giving out posters to the best suggestions for our web site, also could use someone to write a great biography for the web site in terms of Donna’s career. This is your web site so I would like to have it come from you..the Fans. Dont forget to include your shipping address. Good Luck!
OK – I should get a poster just for this!
I’m A Rainbow – your discography section – says Donna SummerSSSSSSSSSSS.
There should be a section created for the fans to make purchases. It could include the usual fare including CD’s and t-shirts. What could make it unique is that it could offer items that are exclusive to the fan club. If you where able to get approval from the estate maybe offerings such as custom DVD’s created by the fans to include specific video’s that true and longtime fans would want to see.
Maybe create a picture book exclusive to a time period and have different volumes for different decades. Just a couple of ideas. Thanks for taking the time to read my suggestions. Please email me at sjrios@live.com for my mailing address if you need it.
Thank You
Please attach your address
Hi Tom,
I sent you my mailing address on facebook with the message I sent you there. Thanks, Stephen.
A section to purchase and download songs, or videos, concert footage, either unreleased, tracks, demos, or just cd quality music that the fans never heard. Also spoken words, & interviews.
Please attach your address
left my address in your fb message page
Ability to purchase unreleased music & video. Also an area for fans to post artwork they’ve made of the Diva!!!
It would be nice to have a section where fans can sell or trade with each other collectible items such as magazines, newspapers with articles on Donna from over the world since first years till today, or cd’s, vinyls and all kinds of collectibles.
where can I send my address Tom?
Like to see some memorabilia such as figurines and statues from some of her LP covers as well as pictures. Would like a place I can purchase items to decorate my bar at home and call it Donna Summer’s Sweet Summer Nights Lounge
I would not mind helping in writing bios and share facts about Donna
An up close and personal section with comments and submissions from those who knew her best–submissions from family and friends about interesting things we don’t know or have never heard before. The INSIDE STORY…..
Would love to hear about Bruce and the girls’ favorite memories.
Would like to buy some of those fan club T-shirts you made!!! I like the store idea where we can buy anything Donna!!
totally would love to help write the bio, especially regarding chart and sales stats.
I think unrealased songs and videos!!,
a site about fans artist who works about Donna! đ
A “research” section. Getting some info and involvement from people who worked with her – producers, songwriters, photographers, PR, AR, friends, family. Interviews asking some of the “non-standard” questions. Behind the scene info on each album, photo shoot, video shoot, concert, etc. Let’s make this fan club the ULTIMATE fan club and the epitome of a site that has all the answers, info and media.
A remix secction where fans coulld show their own remixes to Donna’s songs
Hi I have a couple suggestions but would first like to say Thanks for building this fan club the pages are beautifully orchestrated and it is very easy to navigate which is a huge plus…Hi Five!
My Suggestions….
1. Rarities, Demo’s and Unreleased section. For those of us who crave previously unheard and unseen Donna.
2. Discography Facts. Some footnotes related to each release including interesting facts, Chart positions and information pertaining to each of Donna’s releases included.
3. Moments with Donna Section. Section dedicated to times that fans have met Donna and interacted with her and want to share their memories including fan photo’s and candid video.
4. Desperately Seeking Donna Forum category. Where fans can list their Donna wishlist and needs or trade and sell Donna merchandise.
5. Periodic Scheduled Chats. I miss the old days when groups of us would chat together in realtime about Donna.
Thats all I got for now đ
Please email me for my address if I am chosen to receive one of the posters I want one sooo bad! Great Job with this Fanclub I really appreciate it keep up the good work.
(Life’s Mantra D. Summer)
Go Forward And Don’t Look Back. Celebrate, Live, Love, Laugh.
How about a store to purchase anything Donna.. anything to keep her flame burning
anything and everything about Donna is what we crave and love her voice will live forever more store with simply Donna nothing else is in order ,,,DONNA FOREVER LIVE
Start campaigns to rerelease the 80s albums as well as new material! We must open up the vaults for the fans!!!
The soundtrack to our lives. With Donna Summers career spanning several decades, her music has been a soundtrack to my life. Vivid memories of Donna songs happening at important moments in my life, but also temporarily falling out of love with the queen. Maybe it’s an idea to have a section where fans can share their moments with Donna and which songs were out there when it mattered.
release of acapella (HQ) so we can remix her
Hi Tom,
I would sell my soul for a copy of the Scavullo lithographs for Once Upon a Time, and Live and More. I know I can’t be alone in this quest. Maybe this is something that could be offered in the fan store if clearence was given from the estates. Just a thought. Love the site!