Be on the Look-Out for the Track Premier of “I Feel Love” (Benga Mix) today on Complex . As usual, please give us your feed back. Thanks Fans!
Be on the Look-Out for the Track Premier of “I Feel Love” (Benga Mix) today on Complex . As usual, please give us your feed back. Thanks Fans!
Wow! i can’t wait to hear this remix! Lol!
Can’t wait to hear it!
Way too many mixes of this song out there – I really wanted someone to do a grand remix of ‘Try Me’. I think that job should go to Hot Chip, who thus far have done the very best job with ‘Sunset People’.
Agree. “Try Me” is such an amazing song because there are so many “parts” to it, and each section could have it’s own remix(es).
Still nothing posted! I’m dying to hear it in it’s entirety.
I finally heard it here –
It’s OK. It’s not bad. But it’s OK. This is one song that original just holds up so DAMN well that it’s best left alone.
What I would really love to hear, are remixes of some Donna’s songs that were never released as singles, and that the average person may have never heard before. Donna sang so many fantastic songs that were only album releases, and a lot of them have been begging for remixes for a long time. The crucial thing is to keep Donna’s vocals, un like what was done with WTMS