I want to first apologize for the delay in the t-shirt or merchandise that we handle. While investigating why some have received their orders and others have not it was determined that their was a glitch in the labeling of some orders that went out (approx. 5 orders) which caused the merchandise to be returned or lost in the mail system. Those (5) orders are being reproduced and shipped this weekend to be delivered this week. Although this label process was fault of human error we have assured that the problem has been corrected and that the process will be improved. It is important to know that our merchandise with the Fan Club Logo will be completely redesigned by mid summer so please order the original ones now as they will be replaced as soon as the artwork is completed. Once again we apologize to the (5) orders that were mislabeled and not delivered in a more timely fashion.
I am a huge fan of Donna Summer. I remember having all of Donna Summers music on albums back in the early 70’s. No matter how depressed I was or what I was going through at the time. Donna Summers music brought up. She, was so amazing. I will cheris her music forever.
Yes still haven’t received anything nor a reply from an order placed and paid via Paypal early July…?????
Missing n reminiscing Donna & her music today. So much fun dancing to her music at my Jr. High dances back in the late 70’s. She bought much joy. She never got enough props for her contributions to music history.