Check out The cuts by Bruce Sudano (Donna’s Husband)

With Angels on a CarouselThe gifts of music lives on through Donna’s family with the words of love, inspiration and heart felt honesty. The cuts by Bruce Sudano (Donna Summer’s husband of 30+ years) on his latest CD ” With Angels on a Carousel” reflect the pain and the loss he traveled with throughout the past few years, but not with the heaviness, but with hope and faith to continue. The first video and single release is titled ” The Will to Believe” can be heard and seen below:

Support the artist: With Angels on a Carousel by Bruce Sudano [iTunes]



  1. Good Lord I love this song!! As it goes-we need more than faith-we have to want to believe! Strong message Bruce! Thank you for sharing your talent with us for so many years……

  2. I’ve said it on twitter, but I’ll say it here too. This cd is so inspirational. It’s lyrics are Lennon-like. The thing I love the most is that at times it is like a love letter to his wife. Sometimes it makes you cry, but the overall message is faith and the will to believe. Amen!

  3. Excellent heartfelt content…..Thanks Bruce for letting us in such an emotional (then private) journey through your music……Much love…

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